“The Gold Standard of Wood-Burning Grills.”
- The New York Times
Simplicity. Beauty. Durability.
The standard bearer for wood burning grills for over four decades, we create pieces originally inspired by the legendary asado techniques of Argentina, but built to perform the great live-fire cuisines of the world.
Our systems, from the original ‘Grillery’, patented in 1980 and lauded by James Beard, to our flagship Infiernos of today, are machines designed not to tame or hide flame, but to best unleash every quality it can offer to the art of cooking. And for it, and the skill of the chef operator, to be seen.
Our approach with chefs has earned us a culinary pedigree recognized the world over, and we take that humbling responsibility very seriously.
“Magnificent.” ~ James Beard
We make a wide array of grills tailored to the home environment, both self-contained and integrated into architectural designs and kitchens. These range from small patio wood burning grills to pieces designed to be the center of your home’s cooking experience.
Restaurant and event spaces present unique challenges which we consider opportunities to awe chefs and guests. As such we offer dramatic self-contained designs, pieces to be integrated into ambitious larger hot lines, and full custom wood burning hearth arrays for the ultimate in live fire purity.
Our decades of experience creating specialty wood-fired solutions at any scale gives us a unique library of resources to offer new clients. From custom and production drawings to arranging stage training for chefs wanting to try out our systems in real-world kitchens, we offer it all.
Have an idea? Come to us with something new! We relish the opportunity to create. Contact us.
Need more visuals or some how-to help understanding our systems? Check out our video library and very active Instagram
Guides & Manuals
We have PDF drawings and cut sheets for all of our grills for your planning purposes. You may also request 3D files to ease designing our creations into your project.
Renderings & Drawings

(click for full articles)

“Until you’ve worked on something like this, you cannot know what a grill is.”
Want to talk to someone?
We love to talk about fire and cooking. Any topic! Give us a ring.